
We offer an entire day of BioTe pellet hormone training. This is geared towards providers just starting hormone pellets in their clinic or providers that want to become more comfortable talking to patients about hormone pellets and managing complications that can come with pellet therapy. We will focus primarily on:

  • How to dose pellets

  • How to follow pellet labs

  • How to manage complications of pellets

  • How to field patient and provider questions about pellets/hormone therapy

  • How to do flank procedures

  • How to discuss proper nutraceuticals with pellet patients

  • How to incorporate BioTe into your practice successful

  • How to keep pellet patient retention high

We will not be discussing any of our other trainings we offer during this shadow experience. If you would like to stay an additional day and take advantage of our other training opportunities, we can arrange that. You will book the BioTe provider training and then the 1 Day Training (for a total of 2 days) or the 2 Day Training if you would like additional medical or business training (for a total of 3 days).